Welcome to Darkwing Duck's VR Terminal

You are person number 5073 to access this terminal.

If you have seen my old web page, you can tell that I have done some serious remodeling. If you are new to this page, let me take this opportunity to welcome you to this web site. Past versions of this web site were only devoted to Star Trek, but now that I have my own web site (thanx to my host at Freeservers.com ) I have decided to expand.

I hope you have java applets! On the next page, I have a special treat for you. If your browser is capable of processing java, you can navigate to my divisions of this web site through a cube. If your browser does not process java, I have a special page set up for you to navigate this site with ease, but apparently it's not up just yet.

Click here if you support java

Click here if you don't support java

For right now, just click here to go to my old page.